Sunday 23 May 2010


I have so many erotic photography ideas floating around in my head. I went to see a contemporary dance performance before christmas and the play of light over disturbingly positioned bodies just made me want to whip my camera out. I would love to have a play around with a model or two and just see if I could recreate some of these ideas. Yes, some of them I just want to recreate the pictures I have seen, but others I dream about, this is fustrating as other pieces of art work that I have dreamed about I have been able to create, they didn't envolve having to get someone else in.

Photography though is more difficult, the pictures I can't set up just sit there in my brain niggling at me. I have this one, which is of a pair of feet, they are walking over broken coloured glass - green like a beer bottle, one is mostly flat and the other is just being lifted up, from that sole is a piece of glass sticking out and a drop of blood rolling down towards the sole, down the delcate arch of the foot. On the other ankle you can see a bruised abrasion like it has been cuffed. This image has been in my brain for four years and my bank of images has only been growing. The image I described is rather disturbing and not erotic but goes with a poem I wrote about the same time.

The female body is just so beautiful, the lines and curves, the soft skin and yet sometimes hard angles of bones. The arch of a spine, the careless placement of a flung arm, the tension in the neck as arms are drawn together up the back, the dip of the head while kneeling, and the glint of sliver around a neck, wrist, ankle or waist. So many options, probably done before and yet I yearn to try. One day I will, maybe I will start with my feet, I will sort through my dreams tonight and see what I can come up with.


  1. Be interesting to see what you come up with.


  2. Mmmm...erotic photography. now there's a subject I like. LOL! I have posted about that before myself. Not just porn, but erotic or fine art nude photography. As you have seen on my blog, I try to always find a good pic of that sort to go with my posts. Not to mention the weekly FAF.

    Being able to take some of those pics yourself would be a great idea. You just have to learn to play around and try a bit of everything to see what works and gets you the image you are wanting. A lot of it is trial and error. Well, and finding some women to let you take their pic. :)

    Good luck and keep us posted!


  3. @FD Thank you!

    @DV I love your pictures especially FAF! They give me lots of ideas. What I need is a willing woman to experiment on lol!
