Tuesday 11 May 2010


Just want to say thank you to Florida Dom, the website kimdebron.tripod.com that he recommended is packed with information, and I really enjoyed reading it. It was interesting to read about her collar ceremony, living 24/7, the role of a mentor and general etiquette. All the articles were a fascinating insight so thank you!
Fetlife is full of posts, but it is hard to sieve through them, a lot say the same thing while others are just so varied.

One point that I have recently come across is that in England BDSM seems to be effectivly illegal. Despite giving my consent, a dom can be prosecuted for 'abusing me' and I, by consenting could even be an accomplase? Not quite sure if this is completly right but it is certainly interesting.

It has been great to read about other peoples experiences, mainly with discovering or realising that they are submissive, so many things ring a bell it is reasurring. Sometimes I think maybe I am overstating my case, the difference between reading and fantasizing about something and it actually happening are huge. While I might think I might like something, I well may not. But to hear common 'flags' is comforting, there are other people basing their judgement of themselves within this lifestyle on the same things.

People have been really friendly and helpful so far, it has been really great.


  1. ....i've just had a quick look at that site, the kimdebron one...looks very interesting!
    i've bookmarked it...thanx for naming it.

    ...maybe i'll show Mr M, :) x

  2. I'm glad to hear you liked that website. The woman who writes it has a lot of insights.

    And I'm glad you're finding people friendly and helpful. The people in this lifestyle tend to be that way. Whatever you're thinking or experiencing, somebody else out there has probably already gone through the same thing and is willing to give you insights. Continue to search for info and feel free to ask any questions. I think you will find people more than willing to answer.

