Monday 23 January 2012

It's just so alien

I went to my counsellor again today, she wants to see me twice a week as she thinks a week is too long at the moment between sessions. I had to tell Mummy this which was difficult - she wanted to know why. I can't really turn around and say that I seem to have serious problems that all seem to revolve around you. I am worried that I worried her, it was difficult trying to say why I needed the extra session without telling her I was feeling suicidal and without being specific as to what my problems were. It came out extremely vague.

In response Mummy said something that puzzled me - she asked me if I seemed to have more psychological problems than I originally thought (When? I knew I had serious issues with my mother but last time I discussed them with a psychiatrist they seemed to think that Mummy might be the cause of my ME and I might to better away from her - valid but not when your fourteen and have a younger sister and frightened that they might try to take both of you into care - it still happens sometimes involving children with ME if the parents don't do what the authorities want but less now and less successfully. In fact that is why I never consented to talking to another one until last year - my younger sister is now eighteen)then how much can I push physically and mentally? (I am not supposed to push, I am meant to increase gently, and gradually increase when I can manage the original goal, all the while resting before I get tired - specifically not pushing) She then asked seeing as how I had more mental problems surely I should be able to increase what I do physically? (I really don't get this - I mean what??)

I just.......

I mean how does she pick the one question guaranteed to completely baffle me as to how she thinks and completely alien to everything I have ever told her and everything that she has seen. Does she really think it works like this? After eleven years? Just the pain these questions cause is enough to undo any good the session today did, and once again tears me apart - she really thinks this way?
I could expect this from someone who doesn't know ME, who doesn't know me, who hasn't been by my side every step of the way for over eleven years. But from my mother?

Its enough to make anyone give up, talk about solid brick wall.

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